Books in English

Home / Books in English

We have a few books of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in English. Please contact us by e-mail to receive your book :

Books from Sri Aurobindo :

2 x Savitri, 25 frs

1 x The Future Poetry, 27 frs

1 x The Synthesis of yoga, 35 frs

2 x The human cycle, 25 frs

1 x The ideal of human unity, 25 frs

1 x The foundation of Indian culture, 25 frs

3 x Hymns to the mystic fire, 25 frs

1 x The supramental manifestation and other writings, 30 frs

3 x The hour of God, 12 frs

3 x The supramental manifestation upon earth (small book), 15 frs

2 x Thoughts and aphorism (small book), 15 frs

1 x The Human Cycle – The ideal of Human Unity – war and Self-Determination, 35 frs

2 x The secret of the Veda, 30 frs

Books from the Mother :

2 x Prayer and meditation, 25 frs

1 x Stories told by the Mother, 10 frs

2 x The sunlit path, 20 frs

2 x Paintings and drawings, 45 frs